Wednesday, August 01, 2007

NOW can I question their patriotism?

Have you ever been hit with the sneaking suspicion that the leftists in the United States actually want our country to lose the war in Iraq and come skulking home with our defeated tail between our legs? Me too. Tell this to a lefty Democrat, and watch his face turn beet red and his arms flail in indignation for questioning his patriotism.

Tonight however, I read of two different anecdotes that help confirm to me that the left truly wants us to lose, and of course that means, wants more American soldiers to die. After all, we can't lose without suffering the necessary casualties that indicate to us that we're losing.

House majority whip James Clyburn (D-South Carolina) was on a Washington Post talk show the other day, and he let slip with a very revealing comment. When asked how a positive report on our progress in Iraq by General David Petraeus would affect the Democrats, Clyburn replied, "Well, that would be a real big problem for us; no question about it." Whoa! Back up! The U.S. doing well and making progress in Iraq would be a "real big problem" for the Democrats? Remember folks, these words came out of the mouth of the third-ranking member of the House of Representatives.

Think of an equivalent statement from one of our past wars... say, World War II: Congressman Clyburn, what if our troops break out of the Norman hedgerows soon and get across the Rhine River and into Germany? How would that affect the Democrats?

"Well, that would be a big problem for us; no question about it." Yuck!

Another example of how lefties want us to lose comes from columnist and radio talk show host Larry Elder. In his latest column, he has this to say about about the leftists, and whether or not they support our troops or our mission:
Recall that for a brief period of time, our military did, in fact, locate WMD. The story almost immediately became discounted, as the "WMD" turned out to be old and worn, unlikely to pose any threat. My friend, an actor, told me that he and several other actors were on a set working together. One said, "F---, they found the WMD!" Not, "Hey, I might have to reconsider my opposition to the war because our military found WMD." Or, "I feel relieved about the war, the president was right." Or, "The discovery of the WMD shows that we did, indeed, face the possibility of Saddam handing off the WMD to a terrorist or even using the stuff himself on America or American interests." But, no. The near-unanimous reaction – my friend kept his mouth shut – was, "That bleeping Bush was right."
Its a natural instinct for people to be loathe to admit when they are wrong. But what if your pigheadedness is getting people killed? At what point can the purity of your motives be questioned?

I am certainly not an enthusiast of our campaign in Iraq. The Bush administration has made some horrendous errors in the conduct of this war; especially his refusal to extend the leash on our military, and his apparent willingness to prosecute servicemen who fight the war too well. However, the hornet nest has been stuck with a stick, and simply walking away from what we have started is not going to calm down the hornets. Not seeing this through and walking away would produce a bloodbath the likes of which has not been seen since the aftermath of the Vietnam War, with the murderous reeducation camps in Vietnam and the Killing Fields in Cambodia. We have the American Left to partially thank for that result, and if the people of this same mindset get their way again, and successfully push the U.S. out of Iraq, the blood of millions more will be on the hands of the left once again.

Good Day to You, Sir

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